Upcoming Phi Psi programs postponed

Throughout the continued developments regarding the COVID-19 crisis and the impact it is having in our many communities, the Phi Kappa Psi Fraternity, Foundation and Nelson Leadership Institute have stayed in contact with local and national authorities and organizations in order to stay abreast of a fluid situation. In light of recent developments, we have made the difficult decision to postpone the second week of the PIVOT program in Orlando and cancel the upcoming Service Immersion Trip to Denver.

Plans are in place to complete the first week of the PIVOT program as scheduled this evening and will conduct the important work of the Foundation during an abbreviated meeting of the Trustees this weekend. The first PIVOT session, held Sunday through today, has been rewarding and we have been diligent about cleanliness, sanitation and interpersonal distance.

All students and volunteers associated with these programs have been notified and plans are underway to determine alternative dates and opportunities.

We thank you for your understanding at this time and ask for your continued patience as we navigate the situation. We understand that this change of plans can be quite disruptive for those affected, but we are confident these decisions are in the best interests of our members and volunteers. Please know that we have not made these decisions lightly and it is based on our desire to protect the health and safety of our entire community from COVID-19, particularly the more vulnerable members of our broader community.

Since it’s founding in 1852, Phi Kappa Psi has been committed to the needs of our brothers as they relate to health and wellness. As complex as today’s situation may be, the values upon which we were founded remain at the forefront of our considerations and we trust they will continue to guide us as each day unfolds.