Take Action

Make a difference in your community: spread the word about strategies for preventing heart disease and encourage people to live heart healthy lives.

Take action to promote heart health.

  1. Celebrate National Wear Red Day to raise awareness about  heart disease. Encourage everyone in your community to wear red on February 3, 2017.
  2. Host a Heart Health Month event at health centers, libraries or other venue. Work with local recreation and fitness centers to spread the word about the importance of physical activity to prevent heart disease.
  3. Contact your local Red Cross to host a CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) training event in your community or campus. Urge local community members to learn CPR and AED (automated external defibrillator.) These skills can help save the life of someone who has sudden cardiac arrest.
  4. Host a 20-minute group walk around your office at lunchtime.
  5. Conduct a cooking demonstration using a heart-healthy recipe.
  6. Follow CDC’s Million Hearts® on Facebook and Twitter to learn more about heart disease and stroke prevention.

 Life’s Simple Seven – Seven Easy Ways to Control Heart Disease

  1. Get Active.
  2. Control Cholesterol.
  3. Eat Better.
  4. Manage blood pressure.
  5. Lose Weight.
  6. Reduce blood sugar.
  7. Stop smoking.

Set Goals

Change can be difficult and having specific goals can help you stay on track and motivate you to make important lifestyle changes. Remember to talk to your healthcare professionals about your goals. Use the Million Hearts Goal-Setting Guide to help improve your health.

*Information sourced from the Center For Disease Control and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.