William Henry

Founders Day is a time for Phi Psis around the world to join together to honor Founders William Henry Letterman and Charles Page Thomas Moore.

In 1850, as a typhoid fever epidemic struck Jefferson College in Canonsburg, Pennsylvania, and many left to escape the spread, Letterman and Moore decided to stay and care for their classmates who contracted the disease. The bond formed that winter between Letterman and Moore inspired them to establish a brotherhood built upon the idea of The Great Joy of Serving Others, and on February 19, 1852, Phi Kappa Psi was formed.

172 years later, this bond lives on through our 90,000+ living alumni and on over 95 campuses nationwide.

Charles Page
Thomas Moore



Founders Week Welcome Message

Enjoy a message from Gordon Letterman West Virginia ’72, great grandson to founder William Henry Letterman, to kick off a week of Founders Day activities!

Hello Brothers,

I’m Gordon Letterman (West Virginia ’72) and the great-grandson of Phi Kappa Psi Co-Founder William Henry Letterman.

As Founders Day comes around each year, I like to reflect on the state of our country and world, and think about what Grandpa Willie might have said if he were here with us today. I’d like to take a few minutes to share my thoughts with you.

I think Willie would be amazed with the progress our country has made in many areas since 1852. Level to which are technological advances have improved the lives of our citizens would please him greatly. I think he would also be sad to see strife in the world, and the disharmony in our country.

He would encourage us as brothers of Phi Kappa Psi to serve as examples to others, by doubling our efforts to live by the principles on which he and his friend Charlie founded our brotherhood: honesty; integrity; a strong moral sense; brotherly love; loyalty.

And he would remind us, as we go about our daily lives, that all have human feelings, which we should react to and respond to according to our principles, lawfully, and with good sense, and also with a good dose of compassion.

Happy Founders Day, Brothers.


State of the Fraternity

Executive Director Ron Ransom Butler ’00 will delivered an update on Phi Kappa Psi during his State of the Fraternity webinar.


Reading of the Creed

Brothers Tryon Hubbard Alabama ’64 and David McDonald Beloit ’82 will lead brothers through the Reading of the Creed, followed by an Alumni Happy Hour. Click below to register for this event!



Founders Day of Giving Chapter Challenge

The Founders Day of Giving Chapter Challenge is Phi Psi’s official social fundraising initiative. It is a time for Phi Psis, family and friends to join in support of the fraternity experience and honor the founding of our brotherhood by Founders William Henry Letterman and Charles Page Thomas Moore.

Gifts made during the Chapter Challenge (2/16/24-2/19/24) provide the essential funding for member development, safe housing, and merit- and need-based scholarships. As Phi Psi grows within our chapters and expands to new campuses and communities, the demand for these resources is greater than ever before.

So, are you ready for a little brotherly competition? Help us inspire more than 750 members to join in celebrating Phi Psi’s 172nd Founders Day by making your gift during the Founders Day of Giving Chapter Challenge and inviting your brothers to participate as well.


Each chapter/colony has been given a participation goal based on the total number of living alumni. Alumni, undergraduates, friends, and family can make a donation of $18.52 or more (for our founding) from any of the funds listed under the designation dropdown. By selecting the chapter they are associated with under the chapter dropdown, their participation will count toward the challenge. The top five chapters/colonies closest to their overall goal or exceeding their goal by the largest margin will receive a grant to the chapter fund of their choosing*.

Winner: $5,000
First Runner-Up: $3,000
Second Runner-Up: $2,500
Third Runner-Up: $2,000
Fourth Runner-Up: $1,000


Happy Founders Day!

Please enjoy a special Founders Day message from National President Bob Marchesani Butler ’94 (IUP ’79).

Is there a Founders Day celebration near you?
Go to our Events page to find out!
Founders Day Events
Founders Day of Giving Chapter Challenge!
Click below to make a gift for Phi Psi’s official social fundraising initiative!